
Panna Tiger Reserve is a critical tiger habitat located in Vindhya Hill in northern Madhya Pradesh and fragile through dynamic dry deciduous forest. This land is characterized by extensive plateaus and gorges. It is a land of mesmerizing waterfalls, naturals, archaeological splendors, legends & cultural richness. It is also the land of the Ken River, which lends it unparalleled beauty. This land is sounded by natural boundaries like in north, it is surrounded by teak forest & in easte, it is surrounded by Teak-Kardhai mixed forest. The NE-SW running Vindhya Hill ranges links the eastern and western population of wild animals.

General Information

Zones & Entry Gates

Entry GatesRoundZone

Closed Time

Panna Jungle Safari Core Zone

Closed from 1st July to 30th September annually.
Closed every Wednesday evening throughout the year.

Panna Jungle Safari Buffer Zone

Always open except for Wednesday evenings.

Jungle Safari


Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), the king of the jungle, roams freely in this secure, though a bit small habitat alongwith his fellow beings – leopard (Panthera pardus), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), wolf (Canis lupus), hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) and caracal (Felus caracal) and smaller cats. Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) has his most favourite home in the rock escarpments and undisturbed vales. The wooded areas are dotted with sambar (Cervus unicolor) - the largest of Indian deers, chital (Axis axis) and chowsingha (Tetracevos quadricornis). One can easily see nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) and chinkara (Gazella gazella) in most open areas in the grasslands, specially on the periphery.


The avifauna comprises more than 200 species including a host of migratory birds. One can see white necked stork, barheaded goose, honey Buuzzard, King Vulture, Blossom headed Parakeet, Paradise flycatcher, Slaty headed Scimitar babbler to name a few.


Varieties of snakes, including the python and other reptiles are found here.
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Dry and hot climate, in union with shallow Vindhyan soils has given rise to dry Teak and dry mixed forest. The dominating vegetation type is Miscellaneous Dry Deciduous forest interspread with grassland areas. Other major forest types are riverines, open grasslands, open woodlands with tall grasses and thorny woodlands. The characteristic floral species of this area include tree species such as Tectona grandis, Diospyros melanoxylon, Madhuca indica, Buchnania latifolia, Anogeissus latifolia, Anogeissus pendula, Lannea coromandelica, Bosswelia serrata etc. Major shrub species includes Lantana camera, Grewia sp., Nyctanthus arbortristis, Ixora sp., Zyziphus mauritiana, Zyziphus oenoplea, etc. The dominant grass species are Apluda mutica, Themeda quadrivalvis, Meteropogon contortus, Arishtida sp. etc.

Jungle Safari


Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), the king of the jungle, roams freely in this secure, though a bit small habitat alongwith his fellow beings – leopard (Panthera pardus), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), wolf (Canis lupus), hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) and caracal (Felus caracal) and smaller cats. Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) has his most favourite home in the rock escarpments and undisturbed vales. The wooded areas are dotted with sambar (Cervus unicolor) - the largest of Indian deers, chital (Axis axis) and chowsingha (Tetracevos quadricornis). One can easily see nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) and chinkara (Gazella gazella) in most open areas in the grasslands, specially on the periphery.

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Reference Knowledge - Official Website Of Panna tiger reserve

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